
Purpose: To provide access to opportunities, resources and networks that can promote and develop talents.

Key question: What enables a young person to identify and promote their talents?

Opportunities explained: For students to dream and to hold high aspirations, they need to know of, and have access to, opportunities. Such opportunities are created by the Open Talent approach, whereby students are coached and mentored by people who can open doors and create connections to resources and avenues to harness students’ talents. Resources and connections can range from a rewards systems, financial aid, streamlined access to educational and employment opportunities, and introductions to mentors.

In relation to EFY Foyers there are three key areas under Opportunities:

  • Access (to educational, employment, personal and public bodies)
  • Resources (physical, financial, social and cultural)
  • Networks (mentors, community connections, peers and public services).

 I’m looking forward to the opportunities the Foyer offers, like mentors, they’ll be good, knowing people who work in the areas where you’re studying will be really great (EFY Foyer student). 


For students to dream and to hold high aspirations, they need to know of, and have access to, opportunities.

Artwork title: Bamboo
Artist: James Barreca

I chose this image because it reminds me of tranquility, peace and solitude