
Purpose: To create a living, learning environment and culture that inspires young people and enables their talents to thrive. 

Key question: What inspires and makes the young person feel like they belong?

The studio apartment is great, and I love that this place is filled with other people, I love being surrounded by people – having people around me helps my confidence, the Foyer team are always around for a chat. The Foyer is close to my friends not too far into the city… (Carrie, EFY Foyer student). 

Place explained:
 The places and spaces that we live in, learn in and move through can affect the way we feel about ourselves, the people around us and the world in general. The OT approach focuses on creating places and environments that inspire and challenge; places that create belonging while nurturing talent, resilience, determination and courage.  In relation to the EFY Foyer there are four key areas to consider when thinking and acting in relation to place:

  • the Foyer building itself
  • the Foyer situated at TAFE
  • Foyer in the community 
  • Foyer online. 

Place speaks to the culture of Open Talent and how the space, the location and the virtual structures work to build students’ social and bridging capital.

Recently I have been living with family, going between places. The main thing about getting into Foyer has been about stable accommodation, because if I wanted to get a job or study, I needed to know where I was going to sleep (Dave, EFY Foyer student). 

The Foyer building and environment

The Foyer location and TAFE

Foyer online: Information Technology

Place speaks to the culture of Open Talent and how the space, the location and the virtual structures work to build students’ social and bridging capital.

Artwork title: Bamboo
Artist: James Barreca

I chose this image because it reminds me of tranquility, peace and solitude